However, if the manifestation of the MQL's needs handed over does not reach the degree that sales expect, it is more likely that you will be shunned by "multing". Sales often have KPIs with orders and sales, and it's easier to focus on SQL, which is easier to achieve your goals. Also, when handing over to an inside sales, you must create an MQL that is worth the available number of inside sales.
Even if you create a SQL, you will be less job database motivated by a prospect who is a SQL if there is a situation where you will not be followed after that.
on SQL, it is expected that sales will be tapered in the future, so if you think in the long run, you will need to respond and nurture the MQL created by marketing activities. Is clear.
To that end, it is important to do the information between departments, such as "How much is the prospect's needs you are looking for?" and "How much MQL number can you afford?"